Archive: August, 2022

Plotting maps in Python

Python is great for processing and visualizing data. Today I’d like to share simple tips around plotting data on map using Python.

Let’s consider following example: I want to plot a map of airports around the world. Data for the airports can be obtained from OpenFlights:

from io import StringIO
import pandas as pd
import requests

csvString = requests.get("").text
csvStringIO = StringIO(csvString)
airports = pd.read_csv(csvStringIO, sep=",", header=None)

This will download the data and create a Pandas DataFrame. We can plot airport locations:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

ax = plt.subplot(1,1,1)
ax.plot(airports[7], airports[6], 'r.', ms=.5)
plt.axis([-180, 180, -90, 90])

Nice plot, but not really a map yet. We need to add some contours. A Global Self-consistent, Hierarchical, High-resolution Geography Database (GSHHG) is a good place to start. You can get data and more info here: I recommend downloading “GSHHG coastlines, political borders and rivers in shapefile format (zip archive)”. Now we can plot much nicer map:

import geopandas as gp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

coastline = gp.read_file('/media/RAID/DATA/GSHHG_2.3.7/GSHHS_shp/f/GSHHS_f_L1.shp')
ax = plt.subplot(1,1,1)

coastline.boundary.plot(ax=ax, edgecolor='black', lw=0.5)

ax.plot(airports[7], airports[6], 'r.', ms=.5)
plt.axis([-180, 180, -60, 85])

Or going one step further:

import geopandas as gp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

coastline = gp.read_file('/media/RAID/DATA/GSHHG_2.3.7/GSHHS_shp/c/GSHHS_c_L1.shp')
borders = gp.read_file('/media/RAID/DATA/GSHHG_2.3.7/WDBII_shp/c/WDBII_border_c_L1.shp')

lakes = gp.read_file('/media/RAID/DATA/GSHHG_2.3.7/GSHHS_shp/c/GSHHS_c_L2.shp')

ax = plt.subplot(1,1,1)

coastline.boundary.plot(ax=ax, edgecolor='black', lw=0.5)
borders.plot(ax=ax, edgecolor='black', lw=0.25)
lakes.boundary.plot(ax=ax, edgecolor='black', lw=0.25)

ax.plot(airports[7], airports[6], 'r.', ms=.5)
plt.axis([-180, 180, -60, 85])

Note that in the last example we used “crude resolution” of the coastline and borders – we don’t need much detail for a map in such scale.

Another source of shapefiles with borders that I recommend is GADM. You might be interested in looking at one of my public repositories for more details: GADM-consolidated-shapefile.

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